Friday, October 20, 2006

the stage right sideshow

play the above video to view the background antics to the onstage love story (in case you've forgotten - Broken Bridges The Musical, August-September 2006 :-) - which pretty much occupied all my blog posts in the past months) i've been trying to post it up for ages (i think my patient fellow cast-members have given up on me and my empty promises to update my blog)... and when the internet connection stayed sane long enough to finally enable me to upload the entire thing, i started having problems linking it in to Blogger.. and finally now i realise that i hadn't edited the orientation of the video, so, sorry folks, just flip your screen 90 degrees CCW to view this, yeah? :-P

in case i haven't raved about it elsewhere in the blog, Broken Bridges will be running in IPOH from Nov 24th to Nov 26th, 2006 (hor fun and white coffee, here we come! and oh yes, the Bidor duck noodles on the way too), so pick up your pencils/pens/styli, and mark your calendars now!

'tis the season for failing equipment. first, sis' laptop (actually, it used to be mine) kaputed of what was largely old age. then my dad's PC died of fried motherboard, which left him wondering whether he should get a new one now or patiently wait a few months for Vista (and, of course, i've run out of laptops to lend him - last one was the aforementioned one that went to sis).

and today, it looks like my PDA-phone may have decided to give up the ghost too. am using a borrowed Dopod smartphone right now; haven't had time to check out its features, except that it has a pretty cool default ringtone and an SMS alert that doesn't sound too grammatically correct ("You got message!"). the email alert is a little strange too ("You got mail!") and oh, note to self: stop tapping on the screen..

in the meantime, best wishes to all for a grand Deepavali and Hari Raya. may you have a pleasant, haze-free, uncongested (traffic-wise) drive back to your kampung if you are travelling during this wonderful 5-day weekend! after a food-filled trip to penang 2 weeks ago that probably tripped the cholesterol meter by more than a few notches, i think i'll be spending the holidays attempting to sort out a decent research proposal (everybody repeat after me now, "NERD!!").