Friday, July 16, 2004

the sandman

man, it's crazy how there's always a lot to do just when you're about to go on leave. it's a conspiracy, i say. everything from tiresome client calling up with tiresome query when you really don't need it, and client giving instructions on a new matter a day before you leave (when the client had all of the past 2 months to send the instructions), to papercut from the darned Submission documents.

got home at midnight, had a snack, flipped through what had been (for a few minutes already then) yesterday's papers, and then decided to do something about the throbbing headache so whipped out the trusty bottle of medicated menthol oil. absent-mindedly dabbed at the oil with the finger on which the papercut was suffered just a few hours ago. ouch. the therapeutic effect of the halo of 'minyak angin' generated now slowly drifts the conscious mind away into the dominion of the sandman...

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