Friday, March 11, 2005

nuts / loco / insane / crrr-azy

i'm still alive; i am!

was just reading the papers about the recent SPM results.

this year's top scorer had 17A's. a bunch others have had 14's, 13's, 11's.

when i was a happy SPM-er, you were quite nuts if you took 10 subjects, and you'd be nuts to the highest order if you took any more than that.

how on earth does one end up with seventeen (17) subjects? are these kids taking the entire slew of science and arts stream subjects? and, no doubt it's a feat to score A's in all 17, but is it possible for a kid to study for 13-17 subjects and gain enough breadth and depth about any of them? must peer into the new syllabuses to see what kids learn in school these days ..

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