Sunday, May 09, 2004
flares, boiler suits and wing collars
saw it at the palladium around this time five years ago and saw it again today at the IB. same cool stuff, except that the IB stage looks SO cramped compared to the palladium (which stage was probably one and a half times the width of IB's). with the large stage in west end you could feel the energy emanating from the stage from an imposing line of dancers; here in the IB.. well, the side walls seemed to be in the way. as someone in the audience was remarking, 'twas quite a wonder they didn't end up kicking each other onstage. another difference was that they didn't do the upstairs/downstairs split in the props for tony manero's room / the family's dining room. guess they'd be hitting the IB roof if they did that, ha ha. after a while i was wondering if they'd have space to set up the verrazano narrows bridge; phew, it was there. terrible me, of course i can't expect the show here to look like the west end production! :-D thot the prop transitions between scenes were pretty neatly done tho. AND wouldn't it be grand if i could have half their stamina - to do all that dancing and sing on top of it AND not discharge a bead of sweat (i'd probably be half-dead after the first number and drenching myself in Deep Heating Rub :-D) which reminds me. i'm supposed to be working out so as not to hyperventilate after the first few rounds of can-can kicks. and what have i been doing all weekend? stuffing myself with chinese (the weekly - yes i know i shouldn't - bakuteh), indian (schoolmate's wedding dinner) and italian (ah well, just felt like having it). buahaha.