Saturday, April 11, 2009

what keeps you sane? #2

in 2006, i rambled on about 'What Keeps You Sane?'. revisiting that 3 years later (for some reason i seem to be on a three-year-milestone roll..), i don't think any of the contents of that list have changed, though I will add...
reading and re-reading Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything - one can never get bored of Bryson's writing style.. and for some reason i particularly like the sections on volcanoes and earthquakes - nerdy me rolled on the floor laughing at the section on the 'Mohole expedition that eventually came to be known as the No-Hole'..... well nevermind... I thought everybody learnt about the Mohorovicic discontinuity in lower-secondary-school geography but maybe not...)

i'd probably have to expand the part on then instant messaging programs to social networking applications.. you know which social networking application :), it's ingenious and let's face it, it's insidiously become part of our lives!

the rarer friends who are like-minded and understand you enough to know when you don't need a lecture but just a listening ear for a second, either because you just need to have your thoughts heard, or because you need a sounding board as to whether you're on the right track.

something new (that's partly because i haven't had access to a well-equipped kitchen for a long time) - trying out new recipes (of course it helps that everything i've tried has worked out for me so far! :-D) would probably qualify for this list as well.

singing in ensembles (and the often zany camaraderie that goes with it!)

what keeps you sane?

1 comment:

Sheena said...

Interesting topic of discussion, and I liked the bit about like-minded & understanding friends... so true!

in fact, I was completely stressing out over a research project last year, and when I finally finished my write-up, in the acknowledgments I actually wrote, "To my friends & bastions of sanity."

Along with that, I'd say listening to my iPod. The lyrics of the music usually give me something to think about, esp. if it's Christian music, and if I'm not listening particularly to the lyrics, the tune's usually a good background for reflecting, anyway.