that was fun! anyone interested in having guestbooks made? :-)
The stuff that goes with coffee and nasi lemak :)
on math
on music
on geography
on systems integration
(by the way, yes, i'm still taking suggestions for the previous post on Flash ActionScript :))
the first email that came back from IT told me that because the message was from yahoo.com, i have to contact the Yahoo administrator.
hmm. did the system administrator write that, or did he have dart-throwing monkeys in his room that day?
anyway, poor guy had obviously somehow misunderstood my email, so i mailed back with a clarification. i even offered a description of a similar situation encountered at my office. i must have written too much. the next email that came back somewhat defensively told me that oh, then it could be spam, which is beyond his control because spammers' machines don't belong to our organisation, and started giving me a lesson on how i must be careful about spam.
ow. ok. no, it's really, really, not spam i'm talking about (yes i think i am aware of what spam is). no, nobody needs to check anything with the Yahoo administrator, whoever s/he is. no, no, no. what's with the defensive front? was it an attempt to avoid work? i think i can identify with a LOT of Dilbert comics today... (e.g. "hello, this is tech support, how many I abuse you?")
a miscellany of post-vacation vagaries:
1. jet lag. you go to sleep at 8pm. someone happens to call you on the phone at 10.30pm and as a result your biological clock somehow goes haywire and you remain awake until past midnight in a state of limbo - while the brain wishes to do something more interesting than lying in bed staring into the darkness, the body refuses to budge from the warmth of the blankets and pillows. and the next thing you know, you're awake again and it's.. 4am. before you know it, 8pm comes soon enough, and you realize you're sleepy again..
2. a clogged ear, and it's driving me nuts. it started after i got out of the surf pool in the hotel in Vegas, and it's still clogged, about a week later. most probably a case of dislodged ear wax. it feels like i'm going around with a finger stuffed into one ear. everything except my voice is white noise. which is horrible as i don't like the sound of my voice. looks like a visit to the doctor is inevitable. meanwhile, the poor people around me will have to put up with my either too-soft or too-loud speech, incessant repetitions of 'i beg your pardon' (or, alternatively, 'hah?', which is more efficient and easier to say), or blank stares when i don't realise someone has said something to me and is awaiting a response.
3. am just so very tired..
4. i guess the knee, which recovered not too long ago, is protesting too. also, i guess that's also cos i haven't been doing the knee exercises. serves me right, ha ha.
so i need sleep, a doctor, more sleep and some exercise. that's not quite how it feels like, but at least i've managed to find some excuses for the lethargy! :-D
somebody send over some sunshine!
A classmate who's doing his MBA dissertation on media piracy has done up a web survey for this purpose. Do take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire!
(It's a completely anonymous survey.. so, don't worry, no records will be kept of your recent trip to the friendly neighbourhood DVD guy, or your mass harvesting of mp3's from Kazaa!)
Go to the survey!
There's a discussion group I'm on where there has been a recent spate of out-of-office emails being inadvertently sent to the group by the respective persons' e-mail systems at work.
Then someone who was probably not too technology-inclined (and probably also in a bad mood that day) posted:
"I get so much of this rubbish coming in telling me who is in his office and who is not! Can we please stop this? I DO NOT need to know who is in or out of his office and this forum is NOT for this sort of info! Have a great break or holiday OR whatever it is you are doing outside your office but please do not tell me about it!"
.. hats off to the long-suffering moderator who had to draft a long spiel after the above outburst about the fact that neither the poor individuals who went on holiday, nor the moderator, could do anything about an automated process found on most groupware/email systems which the poor chap apparently had never encountered ..